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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Blog Nove

As the week comes to a conclusion, I continue to proceed my way to the cashier to pay for my fare. This roller coaster of a week has finally come to an abrupt stop. The twists and turns of the ride have turned made my week has its high moments to aspire too and laugh and its low moments to reflect on and treasure.
As the ascending of the first peak left me last week on a high moment with one drink in my right hand and one left arm around a beautiful girl. Who could complain. As the day progression and the peak had begun its downfall I become face to face with a circumstances of losing a relative. The sudden drop made me freeze and made my mind black out.
In Brazil this week is comprised of short work days due to the holiday entitled “Sao Joao”. This holiday was from Wednesday until Sunday. The city of Salvador becomes vacant as people travel to the countryside to party and embrace their culture. So with my roller coaster at the midst of its lowest point, I found the only thing to look up to is once again, to ascend to the top of a new peak. So as the weekend become apparent and close for comfort, with the assistance of my friends my emotions begin to up rise. A toast to a loss and to a new start was conducted as the night begin as a typical Saturday celebration. It had led me to explore the high part of  the city and Salvador. A place full of people.people, and even more people. Drinks were cheap and music was found in all parts of the location. My facebook can bring a more visual aspect to this night, as I ensured to have my camera on hand.
As it is Sunday now and I feel near the top of my ride again, I hope the down fall to the bottom is more gradually and easier as the new ride of next week is about to begin.  
Now due to my last post, the feeling of acquiring some Brazilian knowledge was absent due to my overwhelming personal feelings. But…… this week I will return to pass down my knowledge unto my followers. This week will cover the basis of the days of the week. This way as you go through your week of work/fun and boredom you can note your own roller coaster experience and discover how much your fare will be.
Monday : Segunda
Tuesday : Terca
Wednesday : Quarta
Thursday : Quinta
Friday :  Sexta-Feira
Saturday : Sabado
Sunday : Domingo

As I leave this week, I look forward to a better ride to endure this week and hope to be able to maintain some form of happiness and stability as my weeks slowly beginning to dissolve until my fight departure. So cheers to all my friends and family. Here is my 5 dollars or 8.07 R for the roller coaster ride in which I recommend not to take this ride.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Blog Oito

 A non-typical sunday entry is entered this week. I found myself in a situation i can not find the nerve or ability to change or adjust to within one day. A blog is used to express emotions,events, or concerns. A personal blog does differ then a professional blog, as it presents a more realistic opinion. Yet as this eventful and highly remarkable week within brazil has ended, I hit a brick wall as the world of emotions comes upon me. Emotions distort my week and the events that I have encountered. I have come upon the news of losing a relative today. Something more than a relative or family member title. Blood does not always resemble true family ties or memories. My heart goes out to my best friend back home. Names are not needed for this entry as the individuals know who i speak of. This moment brings out the true self in me and the fact I am not able to be home for this incident. If i could walk; i would walk, if i could run; id run, yet the distance that separates me from where i should be is unbearable for any human being. This blog will be short as i sit here in thoughts and memories of my childhood and my friendships. My silence is not to be seen as a negative thing, yet as a positive embrace of my grandma and her life. I wipe the tears from my family members and myself as i deal with this situation. Brazil is in your thoughts friend, and She will always be in my thoughts. Until another time, i leave this blog open ended and with a moment of personal silence and acknowledgement......

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Blog Seis

 Ola, Tudo Bem followers/friends/family
    As this Sunday has once again arrived, I reflect back upon my week and the activities I have encountered. I have managed to check off some things on my  to do list. One of these things being, to do Karaoke. Yes, sounds lame yet its truly a remarkable experience to sing in pure English to a pure Portuguese bar scene. I hope to think my beautiful voice lifted the spirits of the crowd yet to be honest, I can not report back on how I was due to the communication barrier. I don’t recall many boos yet not an encore, therefore it could have been a mixed reaction. But as I sit in my chair I become sad at the question of “where the “fridge” is Canadian sports?” Brazil does not exercise a 24/7 hockey coverage as present back in Canada, nevertheless they don’t even talk or touch base on how our Canadian teams are doing. From growing up with Sportscenter to wake up to every morning, the lack of sports is slowly dragging me down. Yet I do give my best regards to the Canucks and my cup is raised in support of Miami also. Both finals I wish I could watch. Highlights are never as good as the real action in play.
            This weeks experience have led to me lay on the beach and bronzeado (tan)/host a 830am meeting with Ile Aiye/A wine and cheese party/Purse shopping with Olivia (not as bad as it may sound)/ and last yet not least to a evening full of drinks with my fellow amigos and amigas. Each week exposes me to a new adventure in which I cant help but to enjoy and capitalize on. Last night I managed to watch UFC 131, which was a war amongst all fighters on the card. I am fortunate UFC is a major sport recognized in Brazil. So, I still am able to watch that sport yet Hockey is definitely one I wish I could tune into.
Well also as my week ends here in Brazil, of course in Canada it does also. Therefore  I would like to give a “shoutout” (odd word to use yet it seems appropriate to use) to my sister and her graduation accomplishment, my family of course to let them know they are in my mind and thoughts, and of course to my fellow friends who should start to prepare for my return and skill I will be bringing to the 2ND annual beer Olympics. I’m ready to redeem last years tragic second place finish. Now onto my next topic of discussion.
The portion which allows you; the Canadian perspective to gain some Brazilian knowledge. I will now inform you on the basics of simplying greeting and dismissing someone.

Canada: Hey/Hi                                                         Portugese: Oi/Ola
Canada: Bye/Goodbye                                              Portugese: Tchau 
Canada: Good Morning/Good Afternoon                 Portugese: Boa Dia/Boa Tarde

Scenario: Now when you ever find yourself in a situation here, where you don’t understand what to do/what to think or what to say. Just keep to the basic approach when your misunderstanding. Nod your head and say “Sim” (yes), eye contact is crucial to this stage. Yet when Sim seems to not gain you anywhere, simply say “noa sai” (I don’t know). The hardest part I found to learn such a language is the fact that the spelling doesn’t resemble how to pronounce the word. But best of luck to my fellow followers and travel cravers. The world is full of diversity and variety of culutural aspects. But do enjoy your first lesson.
Well the clock is ticking and the days are slowly vanishing before me. Yet I await to write again in one week. Cheers to my family/friends/Brasilians/Canadians and mostly importantly my newly formed Brazilian friends. Tchau J

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Blog Cinco

Michael Althsuler once quoted that “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot.” As I realize how the first month of my placement has approached, this quote seems to catch my attention. Time is impossible to slow down but somehow it has the ability to pass by quicker than expected. It feels like I just landed on Brazilian grounds yesterday.
I know to boast about a trip can only be so soothing to hear for a certain extent of time. Therefore through my blog I will allow my followers and fellow Canadians to experience some portion of what I have been experiencing since my arrival. I intend to do this by inserting some Portuguese into my next upcoming set of blogs. The purpose is to allow you to gain a personal insight on the culture of Brazil. Now to first get some Brazilian taste, I will tell you a couple facts to help increase your global awareness. First, Brazil is spelt Brasil and the appearance of the “z” is not visually present here. Second, we are classified as “gringos”. Wherever you go, the term gringo will be said in secret amongst the casual Brazilian conversation. From the convenience store owner to the taxi driver it can be found mumbled somewhere within there conversation. Now “gringo” simply means “stranger” or “foreigner”. The benefits of this term are simply not present, it basically means you get charged more than fellow local people. So hint to all travellers, spice up that tan before you visit and try to pretend like Portuguese is your first language. Though, the more familiar people notice your face around, the less you hardly notice the “gringo” affect. And one of the most obvious facts is, that not matter what you are talking about; hairdresser,food,business,health,bus, anything in general, soccer is always a topic of interest that can fit. So when all else fails, just bring up futebol (SOCCER).
Now my photos have slowly been adding up, yet due to the unreliable internet connection, the process of uploading them is slightly delayed at this time. But look out for some pictures to be seen within this week on my Facebook page.
Well another Sunday has come and I look forward to my post next weekend. Like always, cheers to all my friends and followers. 2 months left to go.