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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Blog Quatro

A week of sun and fun has finally arrived. Well fun always had be present, but the newly acquired sunny days have finally arrived. Along with the appearance of the sun, the first Brazil sunburn has crept up on me. The burn is quite remarkable too see but quite painful to touch. The temperatures have been consistent with highs of 29 and lows of 25. Work has been very productive and new friendships have once again been established. Every week seems to bring a new friendship to explore and a party to attend. The Brazilian culture is slowly starting to attach to my values, and to have to leave in a couple months seems impossible.
            To my surprise I learned this week that Brazil official Valentines day is coming up this next week. Also, my ability to speak Portuguese is slowly progressing and I intend to get better and better as weeks progress. My goal is to bring back some part of Brazilian back to my Canadian origin. The camera has been cracked open and almost all used up. Yet I do expect to post and update more photos on a weekly basis. With the ability to jungle work, personal life, and the various forms of entertainment I manage to get involved in, I have slowly become adjusted to my new lifestyle. With a positive equilibrium, I look forward to continue to push forward with my knowledge and develop an international awareness, therefore I look forward to providing you more feedback as each Sunday approaches and I hope that my blogs will inspire people to purse an international venture and to capitalize on all there opportunities.
            Though I would like to say; happy belated to my dad, in which his birthday I was unfortunate to miss due to my absence. But all the way from Brazilian, my amigos (boys) and amigas (girls) all will have a drink on your behalf. Though from more country to the next, I always have my family in my mind and it may seem difficult to see due to my excitement towards travel but I do miss you of course. From one Sunday to the next, cheers to Canada and cheers to my fellow Brazilians.

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